The PE and Sport Premium aims to support a measurable and sustained improvement in school PE and Sport at MPS. This is underpinned by high quality teaching that increases participation levels in physical activity and will lead to healthier pupils who are more engaged across the whole curriculum.
93% of pupils achieve the national standard in swimming by the time they leave the school.
Mornington prides itself on covering a range of sports through the curriculum. The various sports we teach cover invasion, dance, net, field and striking, athletics and gymnastics. We encourage children to look at various roles within the sport including refereeing/umpiring, leading warm-ups and cool downs.
The sports covered over a 2-year cycle are:
Cycle A = Hockey, netball, dance, badminton, athletics and rounders
Cycle B = Football, tag rugby, gymnastics, basketball, tennis and cricket
As a school we are always looking at providing opportunities for children to try exciting new sports that they may not be able to access. Some of these sports have included wheelchair basketball, squash and boxercise.
Mornington is an active participant in a range of sports competitions and events which include:
- District Sports, Cross Country, Dance Festival, Football League, Basketball League, Indoor Athletics & Swimming galas – including representation at the National Schools Finals.
What is School Sports Premium Grant?
The School Sports Premium Grant is additional funding from the Government to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. It is also for improving the health and wellbeing of primary pupils.
We believe physical activity is a hugely important part of the curriculum and we pride ourselves on offering children many opportunities to get involved in sport, learn in an active way and increase their understanding of health and fitness. This funding has enabled us to employ the services of outside agencies and specialist coaches to come into the school and provide an enriched physical curriculum. In addition, we have used funding to improve the resources available to all pupils to enable them to be physically active during break times and lunchtimes.
How much is the Sports Premium Grant?
Allocations for the academic year 2022/23 were calculated using the number of pupils in Years 1 to 6 and those age 5 in Reception, as recorded at the January Census as follows:
Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils receive £8,000 x2 plus £5 per eligible pupil; and
Schools with 16 or fewer eligible pupils receive £500 per eligible pupil.
At Mornington, we have received £19,000 for the academic year 2022/23 and estimate that we will receive £19,000 for the academic year 2023/24