Promoting Positive Behaviour
Our philosophy actively encourages good behaviour and we aim to “accentuate the positive and eliminate the negatives.”
- Providing a happy and safe environment in which children can grow and develop into caring citizens
- Working in close partnership with parents and carers
- Developing a positive self image and respect and concern towards others
- Giving all children access to a broad and exciting curriculum which fosters spiritual, moral, aesthetic, physical, social and intellectual development and environmental awareness
- Valuing punctuality and regular attendance
As a school community we believe we all have a responsibility to promote good behaviour, realise our school rules, and be READY, RESPECTFUL & RESPONSIBLE.
- Verbal praise
- Stickers
- House points
- In class star charts
- SHINE awards
- WOW postcards home
- Half termly ‘Star ‘certificates and achievement assembly
- End of year ‘Achievement Presentation’ Events
- End of Year Awards for Attainment, Effort and Progress and the ‘Mornington Star’
For the majority of our pupils, the range of strategies promoted via assertive discipline techniques is enough to manage their behaviour. On occasion it may be necessary to use alternative strategies to assist a child in achieving our high expectations of behaviour using other strategies including progressive sanctions which are known to everyone and widely agreed. These would be laid out clearly in a Behaviour Plan which is shared with parents.
Our list of sanctions have been discussed and agreed between teaching staff and the School Council. The sanctions are displayed around school and they have been communicated to parents.
We aim to promote positive behaviour during playtimes and lunchtimes. The midday supervisors are important to our whole school approach. Behaviour is monitored by teaching staff on a regular basis. Situations are followed up by class teachers following reports from adults on duty.
In line with DFE guidance and the Physical Intervention policy trained staff may intervene using reasonable force with pupils when there is a risk to self, others or property, or when there is an issue of discipline or control. The actions that are taken will be in line with government guidelines on the restraint of children.
The Department for Education and Science says that bullying is ‘deliberately hurtful behaviour repeated often over a period of time’. As part of a whole school focus on this important subject, our pupils’ School Council discusses bullying at regular intervals so that we can all be clear about what bullying is and how we should deal with it.
We stress to children that they must tell the adult on duty who will deal with the situation there and then. It is important that a child knows that their concern has been dealt with as quickly as possible. If it happens that a child only tells their parents at home of any incidents, then we encourage parents to inform the class teacher as soon as possible. We do not tolerate bullying and every incident is investigated and dealt with. All reports or concerns are documented on to our recording system – CPOMS