Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Children are encouraged to learn through play to improve sustained concentration and exploration. Quality first hand experiences are provided to stimulate interest and curiosity whilst ensuring that they have positive experiences of reading, writing and maths in preparation for the transition to Year one.

Teachers plan from the Foundation Stage Curriculum coupled with the school philosophy of learning through inquiry and child-initiated topic work.

Parents are kept up to date with a weekly Class Story on Class Dojo and half termly curriculum flyer which also helps to guide parents in how to support their child at home. Knowledge organisers are used to support the children and families in developing key vocabulary and concepts in each unit. Parents are welcome into class and every Wednesday there is an open morning where parents support reading. Regular communication between home and school is via Class Dojo where individual success is shared with home. Displays are interactive and are about the EYFS Curriculum – including photos of children undertaking activities within the 7 areas.

For children new to school with English as an additional language there is a family support worker who will work directly with the children and liaise and support parents.

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