

Assessment lies at the heart of the process of promoting children’s learning. It provides a framework within which educational objectives maybe set and children’s progress expressed and monitored. At Mornington this is done in partnership with the children using their individual targets.

Our Philosophy

Assessment is incorporated systematically into teaching strategies in order to diagnose any problems, chart progress and plan the next steps for learning. It assists the school in strengthening learning across the curriculum and ensures that teachers and the curriculum is relevant to the developmental stage of each child. Our assessment procedures are free from bias, stereotyping and generalisation in line with the Equality Act and Mornington’s Equality Policy.

The principles of assessment are to:

  • Improve the quality of teaching and learning
  • Track and monitor progress and support learning
  • Indicate pupil attainment and ensure progress
  • Recognise achievement, identify strengths
  • Guide planning, teaching and curriculum development
  • Engage pupils in their own learning, assessment and set targets
  • Use assessment information and analysis to contribute to the process of school improvement
  • Inform parents and the wider community of pupil achievement (including LA and DFE)
  • Provide information to ensure continuity when a pupil changes school or year group
  • Comply with statutory requirements at KS1, KS2, Y1 Phonics screening and Foundation Stage data.

Our assessments include a range of strategies in line with multi-intelligence practices and inquiry based learning. Assessing, tracking and monitoring of all children is an integral part of teaching. It ensures that individuals, groups and cohorts can be monitored, compared and the impact of teaching and learning measured. We use Primary Target Tracker to monitor and track progress of all pupils in school.

Foundation Stage

All children are assessed on entry, using BPVS and Wellcomm, these results are used to inform planning, set targets and aid early identification of need. Ongoing assessment ensures the next steps in learning are appropriately planned to help children make progress.

FS Assessment is a continual cycle and integral in weekly planning it can take the form of:

  • Early Years Assessment Booklet for Parents
  • ‘I’m starting school soon’ Booklet
  • Children’s work
  • Planning
  • Observations
  • Marking
  • Early Learning Goals
  • Objectives taken from the curriculum
  • Individual Portfolios
  • End of year Reports



We mark to assure children that we value their work and to motivate them to further progress. We mark to assess each child’s progress, to identify problems and to help us to plan for the future. Research shows that provision of a mark or level alone does not promote pupil progress. Sharing the criteria for assessment and setting targets for improvement ensure a greater degree of success.

Marking guidance has been developed at age appropriate levels for each section of the school. These are displayed in every classroom so that children may infer meaning from marking and actively engage in the process of feedback and have time to respond, edit or celebrate.

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