
Maths is a core life skill and at Mornington Primary School we believe that the teaching of maths should equip all of our pupils with the necessary skills and knowledge to ensure their future success.

Mornington Primary School promotes a ‘mastery level’ in mathematics, with the aim of deepening the children’s thinking and understanding. This is supported by using a problem solving and enquiry based approach to support the children in learning the calculation skills.
Pupils with a secure knowledge of calculation methods will have the opportunity to develop a range of strategies appropriate to their abilities, when in Year 6 these pupils will begin to explore Year 7 objectives

In Foundation the children enjoy experiences developing their understanding and familiarity with number, shapes, measuring and simple data. This is capitalised upon in Year 1 and 2 and extended at a pace to suit each child whilst ensuring their continued progress. It is our expectation that by Year 2 the children have a solid understanding of mathematics and have begun to use the basic skills of calculation.

In Year 3 and 4 this knowledge is extended and more complex number formats are built into the programme like decimals, money, fractions and simple percentages. The children are given increased opportunity to apply their skills to problem solving and develop and extend their mathematical vocabulary.

In Year 5 and 6 all of the children’s skills are consolidated and the expectation of independent application is greater. The children are presented with more complex problems which may include several calculations using different operations.

We have an agreed calculation policy that is shared with parents to enable them to support their child’s learning and with homework.

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