SEND at Mornington Primary School.
At Mornington Primary School every child is valued, and each child’s rich diversity is celebrated. We recognise that all children are unique and through our carefully planned curriculum we believe that ‘every child has the chance to shine’ and the opportunity to fulfil their full potential.
Successful, Hard-working, Independent, Never give up, Enthusiastic
We pride ourselves on being fully inclusive and never discriminate based on special educational needs or disability.
Our school SENCO is Alison Hamilton she can be contacted in writing at:
Mornington Primary School, Mornington Crescent, Nuthall, Nottingham, NG16 1RF
By telephone: 0115 9757745
By email:
As a mainstream school we strive to be as inclusive as possible. If any pupil in our school has a barrier to learning, we will endeavour to ensure that we provide them with the best opportunities to take part in every aspect of school life. We provide SEND provision for children with cognition and learning needs, physical needs, communication needs and social and emotional needs. We have a mental health first aider to support children as well as one trained ELSA lead.
We acknowledge that all children are individuals and have different learning needs, some requiring additional support to help meet their needs or improve their learning. Teaching staff all practice quality teaching first and differentiation to ensure that individual children’s needs are met and that all children achieve their academic potential. If a child is not making progress through the high-quality teaching delivered in our school, we have systems to intervene and give children additional support following a graduated response in line with the SEND Code of Practice (2014). School, alongside other professionals, decide through their assessment procedures whether additional support is required and if so, what. We ensure parents are kept informed throughout the process.
At this point the child will be added to our Special Educational Needs Register to ensure they receive the support they need to achieve in our school. The child will be set individual targets through a support plan. These plans are reviewed at least termly, new targets agreed with the child (if appropriate), parents and adults working with the child in school. Copies of relevant paperwork will be shared with parents and relevant professionals as necessary.
Where a child is assessed to have made good progress and the gap between them and their peers has closed, they may no longer need a support plan. This will be discussed with the SENCO. Where a child is not making progress, despite intervention and close monitoring, it may be that further assessment and support is needed. In this case, the SENCO may look to seek guidance or do a referral to external services for additional support.
In some cases where a child has multiple needs and requires a high level of support, they may need an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Parents or any lead professional working with the child or young person can initiate the EHCP process. The final EHCP plan sets out the targets and provision needed that the child is legally entitled to until the age of 25 and is integral to use when target setting, assessing, and planning in school.
The SENCO co-ordinates these school systems with support from the Head Teacher and the Family SENCO. In our school the SENCO is also a member of the Senior Leadership Team which ensures that the culture of inclusion and high expectations for our children with SEND is part of the strategic direction of the school and is central to our continuous school development process. The strategic development of SEND and inclusion is embedded in our Equality Objectives and staff appraisal process.
If you have any further questions about SEND at Mornington Primary School please contact the SENCO, Alison Hamilton via the school office.
The SEND Local Offer aims to bring together helpful and useful information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. It is a comprehensive guide to services and support all in one place. Please watch the video to find out more.