
Formal Consultation on Admission Arrangements for September 2025

Mornington Primary is a 4-11 co-educational school that became an Academy in 2018. The school has a PAN (Published Admission Number) of 40 children for first admissions to FS2, and 45 children for Years 1-Years 6. It is located in the Broxtowe Borough of Nottinghamshire, on the border with Nottingham City.

At present, Mornington Primary School’s current catchment area covers the Mornington estate, as well as Strelley Village and the College Way estate in Bilborough. This negates a piece of land geographically located between the two halves of the catchment area.

This proposal, if approved, would expand our catchment area to include the Woodhouse Park estate.

It is proposed that the catchment boundaries be redrawn for school admission from September 2025 onwards. This will give families in the highlighted area a choice of two catchment schools. Proposed Catchment change map:

Placing the Woodhouse Park estate within our catchment area will help us to resolve historical catchment issues.

The changes to the geography of the catchment area would enable us to realign the piecemeal geographical coverage inline with section 1.12 of the Schools Admission Code 2021 which states: ‘Catchment areas must be designed so that they are reasonable and clearly defined’. The M1 makes a clear geographical border for the Mornington Primary School Catchment area.

We currently have 10% of our school population living in the proposed area showing many of the families are choosing to attend Mornington Primary School, even though it is not their current catchment school.

Due to the demographic of our catchment area, we currently take 53% of pupils from out-of- catchment. The school, therefore, would not need to increase the PAN to be able to admit the children from families that would fall within the new catchment area.

This change will not displace or disadvantage parents in the catchment area or pupils with siblings at the school.

Responses to this consultation can be sent to  or to Admissions Consultation, Mornington Primary School, Mornington Crescent, Nuthall, Nottingham NG16 1RF.  Responses should be submitted before 9:00am on 25th January.

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